Bright Garden Voices

Animation for Bright Garden Voices -  a project that intends to provide a platform for constructive dialogue between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. 

Dolma  diaries

Pilot Serie of Armenia-Azerbaijan-Georgia Series.

Production of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 

Die Krähe 

This film is about dealing with personal and archetypal shadows of personality. At the centre of the film befall a child frightened of the vicious crow. She escapes from the bird but gains nowhere a sense of security. In the end, completely exhausted of flight and fear, the kid is forced to look at this archetypal shadow (which symbolizes the crow) into the eyes and fight with it. The child slaps with small fists into the deeper matter of the plumage, which is what the squawk consists. The girl rages and beats in horror until she realizes that cannot defeat the crow. Each blow falls into the black void, with every touch the grave matter of the bird flows through the fingers of the child and drips down.

Director, Animator, Singer, Character design: Fidan Akhundova
Pianist: Fidan Aghayeva - Edler

Pain has no nationalities

GIF and Cover for Кавказский Перекрёсток /Caucasus Crossroad Facebook group. It is a group for dialogue and peaceful communication between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.

Female voice of Afghanistan

Animation for music Festival „Female voice of Afghanistan„

Zeitgenössischen Oper Berlin   
in cooperation with CrossGeneration Media